I have been oil-pulling on and off for about two months now. 

For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, oil-pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic technique (and the latest health craze sweeping the blogging world) which is supposed to clean your teeth and mouth; cure headaches; improve skin texture and generally improve your health.  I liked the promise of whiter teeth too so I jumped on the band-wagon and gave it a go.
The premise is simple, you take a spoonful of oil (I use coconut but you can use others) and swoosh it about in your mouth for about 20 minutes before spitting it out.  I know it sounds wierd and 20 minutes is really long time but honestly, trust me, if you can fit it into your day, say when you're doing some mundane household tasks, it will be absolutely worth it!  Here's why:

Just as oil cleansing your skin is supposed to draw out more impurities, bacteria and toxins than standard face-washing with soap and water, so too cleansing your mouth with oil does the same.  It's basically a like attracts like thing: the oil attracts the oily membrane that surrounds every cell to it and literally 'pulls' out the bacteria that is sleeping in your mouth.  Because the oil mixes with your saliva during the oil-pulling process (I know this sounds gross, sorry) the solution gets into every nook and cranny in your mouth and cleans all of the places that we can't usually reach including pores in the tongue and gums and pockets around the teeth.

I have found it a fantastic way to make my teeth feel really really clean (I brush my teeth immediately afterwards) and after two months have noticed a significant reduction in how sensitive my teeth are.  I also suffer from tension headaches now and again due to a tight jaw and shoulder muscles and I'm sure it had improved since I've been oil pulling.  Maybe a coincidence but maybe not!

When it comes to the oil you use, you can use anything you like.  Organic sesame is recommended and I have also tried Walnut too which was quite good and packed with beneficial fatty acids.  Organic Virgin Coconut, however, is my absolute favourite: it is lovely and light and feels more like you are swishing your mouth with water than oil.  It is also natuturally anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and full of lauric acid and vitamins K and E which fight free-radicals and calm inflammation making it an amazing detoxifyer.


- Try to use organic oils.
- Don't go crazy with the swooshing - your jaw will ache like mad!
- DO NOT swallow the oil!  After the full twenty minutes of mouth swooshing it will be full of toxins and bacteria.  Spit it out.
- Rinse your mouth afterwards with warm salty water or brush your teeth to get rid of any residue.
- Try to oil pull everyday but don't worry if you don't.  Even a few days a week will be beneficial.

Have you tried oil pulling yet?


  1. I suffer from awful headaches so this sounds very interesting! I might just have to give it a go, thanks for the tips and I'm glad you've felt it to be beneficial for you :)

    X Hayley-Eszti | www.hayleyeszti.blogspot.com

    1. I was really skeptical when I first started but the results have been amazing! Give it a go! :-) xx



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