This (relatively) quick and super-easy, summer time cordial is fantastic diluted with soda water, drizzled over ice-cream or even mixed with champagne for a real early evening treat.  Elderflowers are in abundance just now in most hedgerows - just make sure to pick only un-blemished flowers and on a dry hot day of you can.  Enjoy.

GRAB TOGETHER // 20 - 25 Elderflower heads (stalks & insects removed) // 1kg Sugar // The zest and juice of 2 lemons and an orange.

THEN // Place the flowers and zests in a bowl and pour over about 1.5l or boiling water.  Cover and leave to steep over night //  The next day steralize your bottles // Strain the mixture (I use a collander lined with a piece of muslin) then pour the liquid into a pan along with the sugar and juice of the lemons and orange // Heat gently until the sugar is dissloved and then simmer for a few minutes.  It should be syrupy now thanks for the sugar //  Using a funnel, pour into your bottles and seal  // Keep in the fridge and use within a few weeks. xx

GAH! Now I want champagne!  Summer seems to do that to me... xx

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