Since becoming a Mummy back in January I have been somewhat lacking in the general healthy living department!  Be it lack of sleep, the immense change that comes with a new baby or simply needing quick energy, food choices have been on the poorer side of the spectrum and even gentle exercise has been non-existent.

Granted, I have been quite consciously being gentle with myself - I don't think you can fully appreciate how much labour and childbirth take out of and change your body - but I am now fully aware that to really take care of myself and nourish my body back to full health I needed to change tack.  

So this week things have changed.  I have been making a conscious effort to eat better and to be more active - if only a little! 


From 6th April #the100daysproject started asking people to be creative for 100 days and to share their creations on Instagram.  Seeing it as an opportunity to change my eating habits I am now posting a picture every day of a healthy meal or snack - it's been a great way of keeping me motivated and having a least one really well nutritionally balanced, Vitamin dense meal every day. 

Satsuma, Pineapple & Pomegranate Salad

Smoked Bacon & Poached Egg Salad

Pukka Three Ginger Tea

Butternut, Quinoa and Pomegranate Salad with Mint & Rocket Leaves

Lemon & Mint Infused Water


I have also signed up for Tone It Up's 8 week Bikini Series (also via Instagram).  The program as a whole is totally unachievable for me at the moment but as part of the program they ask people to attempt (among other exercise routines) to walk 100 miles aka #100BySummer.  

It works out at around 1.8 miles a day over the 56 days and I think it's a fantastic way of getting more active and easing myself back into physical activity.  It's also something I can do with baby, which is lovely and after only a week I can already feel my legs stronger and my hip flexors starting to stretch out. 

Eva clocking up some miles #100BySummer

I haven't been getting too hung up on pace as I'm pushing the pram (difficult up hills) and often stop to chat with people and forget to end the workout when I get home but slowly I have been plodding away and managed 7.8 miles this week.  I do have a lot more energy, however, even after such a simple change which is something I have been craving.  Onwards and upwards to next week!  You can follow my progress on Instagram at @margaretsblanket. 


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