I've been back on my daily Evening Primrose Oil (EPO) supplement since the cold weather arrived and the central heating went on.  

I started taking it as a teenager to help with proper hormonal balance - my Mum had always taken it - and it has now morphed into one of those things that you just do: like drinking a morning coffee.

As well as keeping the old hormones in check however, EPO also sorted out my skin and it's now as key a  part of my winter life as scarves, thick jumpers and open fires.  Yes, I love it that much.  It seems to give my skin a smoother, more refined texture and also a protection from cold winds and weather that simply doesn't come in a bottle or a jar.  It also balances out my ridiculous dry/combination skin which can range from oil-tanker slick on my t-zone to drought-ridden dryness on my cheeks.  I am convinced it works - for me, that is. 

I did a little research on EPO across various sources when I thought about writing about it and, although it has been used for hundreds of years as a 'folk' remedy for things like PMT, eczema and psoriasis, there is surprisingly little scientific support for it having any, what doctors call, 'real' health or cosmetic benefits. I find that a bit odd, however, given that EPO is naturally high in Vitamin E which protects cells from damage by free-radicals.  It is also a source of Gamma Linolenic Acid - an essential fatty acid - that the body needs in order to maintain healthy cell development and encourage skin and hair growth.  I suppose with so many food supplements, you either believe the benefits or you don't.

Regardless, I definitely know when I haven't been taking my morning dose.  My skin simply lacks something - almost like moisture from the inside - and I like that it gives me a daily does of Vitamin E.  So, I'll keep taking it.  Partly because I always have and partly because I genuinely think it works.

I would love to know your thoughts.  Do you take any skin care supplements?  Do you think they work?

N.B. Always check with a medical professional before taking any supplements.


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