Katy Appleton is a yoga teacher I have turned to for guidance and inspiration for what seems like my entire yogic life. Way back in my late teens her DVDs helped me to work towards a regular practice and her energetic vinyasa flows and fun personality have ensured that I returned to her time after time.
When it came to choosing a pregnancy yoga DVD then, her Pregnancy Yoga Series seemed like the obvious choice, and since my ever increasing belly has started to make an appearance I turn to it most days to ease aches, pains and to calm any worries and apprehensions that I might be having at that time. The sessions seem specifically designed to encourange confidence, calm and a connection to your baby and I love that it gives me time out every day to appreciate the changes in my body and the life within it.
The DVD is divided into five different sections which makes it ideal for yoga newbies (although maybe not complete novices) as well as those with a regular practice, and throughout the sessions gentler alternatives are offered for poses that might feel too intense or challenging for that moment.
Here's a breakdown of what you get:
SANCTUARY - a good gentle session of vinyasa flow incorporating moon salutations, balances and hip openers. Having done all sections of the DVD I would recommend doing this section a few times through before moving on to the others as it introduces new ways of moving and transitioning from one pose to another that are different from the usual way.
SHINE - designed for second and early third trimester it involes a dynamic series of movements including lots of yogic squats, warriors, triangles and downward facing dog - read leg strengthening and hip flexor stretches. Great for days when your feeling the full awesome-ness of being a baby mama!
STILLNESS - don't be fooled by the title of this section. While this 45 minute session does focus on breathing and deep relaxation, it also incorporates supported postures (using a chair and wall) to encourage stamina and strength for labour. It is designed with the third timester in mind but I think it will be benficial to do at least once a week right throughout pregnancy.
HYPNOBIRTHING RELAXATION - this is a really lovely 15 minute session allowing the body to completely relax. Katie's voice guides you through relaxation and invites you to draw energy and confidence through charkra work and concentration on the breath.
PELVIC FLOOR PLAY - pretty self explanitory - although play - really?!
If, however, you are new to yoga or fancy finding out more about pregnancy yoga before investing in anything, there are some fantastic Katy Appleton pregnancy yoga sessions on Youtube that are a great way to start. They are accesible to everyone (beginners and advanced alike) and as they are only 10 minutes each thye take hardly any time out of your day.
What are your favourite prenatal yoga DVDs? I would love some other recomendations!
Namaste xx
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